Public participatory philosophy returns with an exciting new format!
Philosophy Sports is an intensive interactive philosophy experience, featuring stimulating topics, contrasting perspectives, competitive persuasion (like poetry slams), and games of structured debate or facilitated role-play, where opposing points of view face off against each other to try to win each other over.
Philosophy Sports is interactive: anyone can step-up to make their pitch, to try to carry the room; and any two can take part in the role-plays or debates; all audience members serve as field judges, voting in realtime with their phone to show exactly how effective attempts to reasonable persuade have been.
Philosophy Sports is a brand new form of public participatory philosophy, the next phase of cafe philosophy. Now more than ever in this post-truth era, public deliberation must learn again to listen logically, to evaluate arguments critically, to identify weak evidence and fallacious reasoning, and to recognize the reasonable Other. Philosophy Sports aims to revivify public reason in a spirit of fun and fair competition